Essential Information

Our school is a community where each person is valued as a child of God. We are a Church of England school, inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus.

Our Ethos

This page contains the statutory information required of all websites or links to them.

It also covers the day to day running of the school. For specific information click on the prospectus button.

Please note that if you require any of this information as a paper copy, please ask, and will get it for you.

DAy to Day Running of School

The ones who plant and the ones who water work together as a team with the same purpose.

1 Corinthians 3:8

Times of day

The school prospectus contains further details:

Information for Parents

Opening Times

The school doors open at 8:30am.

Pupils can enter directly into their classrooms and will be greeted by their class teacher.

Collective Worships are held daily either in the hall as a whole school or as class worship. There is a whole school celebration assembly that teaks place on a Friday.

Breaktime is 10:10-10:25 children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack.

Lunchtime is 12:15-1:00:

We have staggered sittings for each year group. As we have two classes per year group, one class goes to break first whilst the other class eats lunch and then they swap at 12:35. This is rotated each half term.

The school day ends at 2:45

The school week is a total of currently 31.5 hours. We will consult on these opening hours during this year. The government has set targets for opening hours. Our school day is currently 15min shorter than goal, due to shorter lunch and a need to get to secondary schools. Our Teaching time does meet national goals.

With our local infant school we will be consulting on increasing this ready for September. This will be coming out at the end of Spring 2024.

Term dates

Staff share leaders’ high expectations for pupils’ behaviour. Pupils behave well in lessons
and at playtimes. If any bullying occurs, leaders take prompt action to make sure that it
stops and ensure that pupils are well supported.

Late/ Absence Procedures

At Donnington Wood Junior School, we are committed to ensure pupil’s achieve 95% attendance and above and believe that punctuality and good attendance is crucial for pupils to achieve their god given potential. For your child to reach their full potential is it essential that they have good attendance at school. If they are not here they miss out on so much, and the greater the absence the harder it is to catch up. Sometimes though, circumstances at home can mean being at school, or being on time for school can be difficult. If this is the situation please contact us and we will do all we can to support you

We will monitor pupils’ punctuality and attendance and provide support and guidance to parents and pupils to address any concerns identified as quickly as possible.

Reporting Absence

We understand children will, from time to time, be too poorly to attend school, please click on the link to find helpful information on whether My Child is Too Ill for School

If your child is not going to be in school, please contact the school office before 8:30am

First Day Call System

The school operates a first day call system. This means that if school does not receive information from parents regarding your child’s absence, then the school will call parents to clarify the circumstance leading to your child’s absence.

Term Time Leave

‘Parents should apply to the Headteacher for any request for leave in term time by completing a request form available from school’.

The Government has renewed appeals to parents not to take their children out of school during term time. The Governors and Headteacher of the school support this and have decided that students will only be given permission to take leave in term time if there are exceptional circumstances. Each application will be considered and the Headteacher will determine the duration of any leave if it is agreed and authorised. However, if the application is not agreed and the absence occurs the dates will be unauthorised. Parents will be notified of any decision in writing. This notification may be hand delivered directly to the parent or posted to the parents home address.

(DfE guidance states schools should not authorise leave retrospectively)

As a school we are asked to inform you that, in line with Telford and Wrekin Council Policy, unauthorised absence may be subject to a penalty notice fine of £60 payable per parent, per child, increasing to £120 each if not paid within 21 days. If this fine is not paid within 28 days this may lead to court proceedings.​


Lunch Menus

Telford and Wrekin provide out school dinners. For more information  please visit their website by clicking here.

Throughout the year, out values champions consult with the school chef to discuss the menu and ensure that children’s preferences are factored into the menu. We also run competitions during the summer term when the children take part in STEAM projects (Year 3 sandwiches, Year 4 Soup, Year 5 Bread, Year 6 Pizza) the children vote on recipes and these, where possible, get added to our school menu. This is in partnership with Let’s Dine. 



If a child of compulsory school age who is a registered pupil at our school, fails to attend regularly, the parent is guilty of an offence under Section 444 Education Act 1996. A holiday penalty notice will be given when a pupil has 5 days or more off school. A fine of £60 will be given. If this is not paid within 28 days it will increase to £120 per parent.  


At Donnington Wood CE we will be inclusive so everyone is valued and respected and where tolerance and diversity are celebrated.

Our Values

School UnifoRms

We only require a logo on a school jumper. This reduces the cost of uniform. Please order the jumper through the office. A PE kit will be provided to you for free.

School Uniform
Our children enjoy the sense of belonging and pride in their school that the wearing of a uniform
brings. All children are therefore expected to wear uniform to school.
Please note that it is your responsibility as parents/carers to make sure that your child is in the
correct uniform each day.
The school uniform for our school is:
Purple school sweatshirt/cardigan – these are purchased from school.
White shirt or polo shirt (from any shop)
Black trousers or knee-length black skirt (from any shop)
Black shoes (from any shop)
Purple & white summer dresses may be worn in the summer term or tailored shorts.
(Price lists are available from the school office or any shop).

We have lots of second hand items you can purchase from the school for a donation.

What our Pupils say about the school

At Donnington Wood CE Junior we will put the safety as a priority so we can work in trust and peace.

Our Values

Pupils feel safe at Donnington: September 2023

The Christian vision is made real through the core values of hope, friendship and perseverance. These have a profound and positive impact on how pupils and adults flourish in their personal growth

SIAMS 2024

COVID RIsk assessments 2022 (we hope this will not need to be used again)

This Risk assessment still form the basis of our outbreak management plan.

Essential Policies

The use of Seesaw has increased parental engagement as parents can see what the children have been learning, as their work is uploaded. Homework tasks will be set which lead on from this and videos/ teaching PowerPoints are available to support pupils and their parents. The parents, pupils and teachers are able to comment on work completed or ‘like’ their work and this is a really important tool for engaging with parents. Likewise, parents can comment on their child’s reading done at home using the online reading record, which allows parents take a photo or identify a smiley face rather than having to feel they need to make a comment. Parents like this as it is non-judgmental.


FiNancial Information and Strategies

PerFormance DAta

At Donnington Wood CE Junior school we will empower pupils and adults to develop hope and perseverance, so that they are able to engage/explore the challenges of school and the wider world.

Our Values

OuR School Data

We are proud of how as individuals our school achieves and makes progress. Please click to see our data from 2018/19. This data is now 2 years old due to Covid.

This school continues to be good.

Ofsted 2017

The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection.

Ofsted 2017

Staff who know their pupils very well indeed are committed to nurturing them as children of God and removing any barriers to achievement.

SIAMS 2016

Data Protection Statement and policy

Attainment 2023 (For national Click Here)

Reading Attainment (ARE): 52%

Reading Attainment (GDS): 23%

Writing Attainment (ARE): 67%

Writing Attainment (GDS): 12%

Maths Attainment (ARE): 47%

Maths Attainment (GDS): 13%

We are proud that form our different starting points- pupils do make progress, however we are resolved that we must continue to raise the attainment to be in line with national. We are targeting improvements in the attainment data this year through our School Development plan.

Progress score in reading, writing and maths 

The academic progress that pupils make from the end of key stage 1 to the end of key stage 2.


The banding for this school is ‘below average’ because the score is lower than 0 but greater than or equal to -2.7, and the entire confidence interval is below 0.

Confidence interval Open help text for Confidence intervals opens a popup-4.2 to -0.8

Open help text for Reading progress score for Donnington Wood CofE Voluntary Controlled Junior School (2023)Show score details


The banding for this school is ‘average’ because the confidence interval spans both above and below 0.

Confidence interval Open help text for Confidence intervals opens a popup-1.2 to 1.9

Open help text for Writing progress score for Donnington Wood CofE Voluntary Controlled Junior School (2023)Show score details


The banding for this school is ‘below average’ because the score is lower than 0 but greater than or equal to -3.3, and the entire confidence interval is below 0.

Confidence interval Open help text for Confidence intervals opens a popup-4.3 to -1.2

Open help text for Maths progress score for Donnington Wood CofE Voluntary Controlled Junior School (2023)Show score details

Pupils meeting expected standard in reading, writing and maths 

SchoolLocal authority averageEngland average
Pupils meeting expected standard in reading, writing and maths35%61%60%

Pupils achieving at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths 

SchoolLocal authority averageEngland average
Pupils achieving at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths3%8%8%

Average score in reading 

SchoolLocal authority averageEngland average
Average score in reading101105105