SIAMS report Donnington Wood Church of England VC Junior School 123473 100124

Please see our fantastic SIMAS report, thank you for your trust and support.


The Christian vision is made real through the core values of hope, friendship and perseverance. These have a profound and positive impact on how pupils and adults flourish in their personal growth.

• Care for more vulnerable pupils and their families is exemplary and inspired by Christian teachings. The school is a safe haven for those who face challenges in their lives and learning.

• The curriculum is creative and inspiring. As a result, pupils grow in hope and aspire to a bright future.

• Relationships across the school are warm and trusting. The Christian vision and values are a lived reality so that behaviour is excellent. New pupils are readily integrated and part of the extended family that is Donnington.

• Religious education (RE) is an important subject and given prominence on the timetable. It gives pupils a window onto the diverse nature of modern society.

SIAMS report Donnington Wood Church of England VC Junior School 123473 100124.pdf